Throughout the years, ENTOMA has orchestrated a symphony of engaging events, ranging from enlightening seminars and dynamic conferences to enriching talks, captivating lectures, and stimulating quizzes. Our most significant milestone was co-hosting the 4th Asia Pacific Congress on Entomology in 2001, in harmonious partnership with the Malaysia Plant Protection Society (MAPPS).
In 2012, ENTOMA achieved yet another feat by orchestrating the inaugural International Symposium on Insects (ISoI 2012), a groundbreaking event held from 3rd to 5th December at the Mines Wellness Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. This accomplishment set the stage for subsequent symposia; the second held at Bayview Hotel, Melaka from 1st to 3rd December 2014, and the third at Bayview Hotel, Langkawi from 19th to 21st March 2018.
In the wake of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic and its global ramifications, ENTOMA embarks on a new path. This year, we are proudly pioneering our inaugural virtual symposium – the 4th International Symposium on Insects (ISoI 2020), themed 'Entomology Beyond 2020'. As we adapt to the evolving world, we embrace technology to ensure that our entomological passion continues to flourish and expand beyond geographical boundaries.
The symposium provides a broad-based platform for delegates to interact, highlighting the knowledge and achievement in worldwide insect studies. Entomology is crucial to our understanding of human disease, agriculture, evolution, ecology and biodiversity. Insects serves as the basis for developments in biological and chemical pest control, biological diversity, and a variety of other fields of science.